custom declarations

Almost every shipment you handle requires some sort of import, export or transit declaration - possibly more than one.

It’s imperative to get those declarations submitted and accepted as quickly and accurately as possible. Even the smallest delay or error can cause problems.

Sequoia provides every type of import, export and transit declaration covering both normal and simplified procedures and they all deliver the same powerful productivity and compliance tools. They all share a consistent, two tabbed layout and provide consistent, easy to use functionality.

Information from the customer and shipment as well as any associated inventory record is re-used automatically to avoid double keying and the real-time compliance engine constantly monitors data input and advises you of potential problems whilst allowing uninterrupted input of data.

Commonly used commodity codes and other item data are remembered and can easily be recalled.

Customs declaration reports are all stored against the declaration as images and can be easily re-printed, sent as an email and transferred to your in-house document management system. Printing can be done automatically or manually and directed to specific printers based on individual users or roles.


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