NCTS Phase 5 implementation – Important information

As you are no doubt aware, NCTS Phase 5 is being implemented by HMRC in 2 stages:


Northern Ireland (NI) movements will be live on Friday 28th June 2024 at 16:00 hrs.

Great Britain (GB) movements will be live on Monday 1st July 2024 at 13:00 hrs.


Unfortunately, this staged approach has only recently been decided by HMRC (without any consultation with NCTS software providers) and we, like almost all providers of transit software, were therefore not given sufficient time to design our software to deploy NCTS 5 functionality selectively. 

As a result, and after consultation with all Sequoia users who process NCTS movements, we will not be enabling the NCTS Phase 5 functionality until 13:00 hrs on Monday 1st July 2024. 


What this means for you


For GB Transit movements – departures from and/or arrivals to Great Britain

At 06:00 hrs on Monday 1st July 2024 the current NCTS (Phase 4) service will be stopped by HMRC. You will therefore not be able to successfully transmit NCTS4 declarations, arrivals etc from that time. Any that you do transmit will be rejected by HMRC.

Between 06:00 and 13:00 hrs on Monday 1st July 2024 you will be unable to transmit transit declarations, arrivals etc. HMRC have issued separate guidance regarding what you can do between these times. See attached document below.

From 13:00 hrs on Monday 1st July 2024 the new NCTS Phase 5 functionality in Sequoia will allow you to transmit declarations, arrivals etc.


For NI Transit movements – departures from and/or arrivals to Northern Ireland

At 09:00 hrs on Friday 28th June 2024 the current NCTS (Phase 4) service will be stopped by HMRC. You will therefore not be able to successfully transmit NCTS4 declarations, arrivals etc from that time. Any that you do transmit will be rejected by HMRC.

Between 09:00 hrs on Friday 28th June 2024 and 13:00 hrs on Monday 1st July 2024 you will be unable to transmit transit declarations, arrivals etc. HMRC have issued separate guidance regarding what you can do between these times. See attached document below.

From 13:00 hrs on Monday 1st July 2024 the new NCTS Phase 5 functionality in Sequoia will allow you to transmit declarations, arrivals etc.


/media/96397/planned-downtime-xi_gb.pdf See Attached Document