ICS2 extends to rail and road on 1 April 2025

From 1st April 2025, road carriers will need to provide data on goods sent to or through the EU prior to their arrival, by submitting an ENS declaration to the ICS2 system. 

If you are not ready (we intend to develop this functionality in Sequoia, but it will not be available until after this date) you can apply for a derogation – a ‘deployment window’ – to delay the date from which you start to use ICS2. 

To do this, you need to contact the National Service Desk of the EU Member State (National Customs Authority) where you have registered and obtained your EORI number for use in ICS/ICS2 declarations. You must do this by 1st March 2025. A deployment window can extend the start date for ICS2 until 1st September 2025. 

We would encourage you to apply for this derogation as soon as possible.

/media/96426/ics2-news-item-en.pdf See Attached Document