contact us

If you have any issues related to the technical support of the Sequoia software, you should register these on the ASM Service Desk Portalgiving as much detail as you can about the problem you are having.  

The more information you give us, the faster we can direct your email to the correct person to help you.

Please note that we cannot advise you on customs procedures, declarations content and compliance issues. Parties who may be able to help with those issues are listed here.

For our contact details and other important privacy information please read our full privacy statement.

For directions to our offices, click the map icon below.

Alternatively use the contact details below or to request information send us an email by filling in the enquiry form below.


Agency Sector Management (UK) Limited

Ashford House | 41-45 Church Road | Ashford | Middlesex | TW15 2TQ 

General enquiries
Service desk
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ASM Service Desk Portal